Friday, December 31, 2004
May the new year bring you new hopes, inspiration, and resolutions! Good luck to those who will dare to take on new and challenging endeavours.
Finally, pray for those who were affected by the tsunami. My prayers go out to them.
Happy New Year 2005.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
A moment of silence, and my prayers go out to those who had perished in the natural disaster.
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
update.. update.. Holiday Greetings!
I went to Singapore on Friday for the Singapore Marathon (which was on Sunday morning), another story which I hope I'll finish writing about soon, came back on Monday, and I worked every night consecutively until the following Sunday (ranging from replacement jobs to functions). At that time as well, I sent my PC to the technician for repairs (which also probably took more than a week, 'cos he sent his boys for the PIKOM PC Fair), so that's why I was like out of the Net scene for almost two over weeks. It was quite tiring, I tell ya, from Bangkok to Singapore, and then working for the whole week non-stop. Now I'm settling down a lil bit, and I'm compiling and writing out my Bangkok and Singapore stories. I'm just considering to put it on this blog or write a web page about it, cos the Bangkok story is gonna be a long one.. you'd probably get bored TRYING to read it halfway! Pictures included, of course!
In fact, a couple of things happened, even the last few days.
The teruk thing was, when I got my PC back, I tried to sync my PDA with my PC. Next thing I knew, ALL my data on my PDA was flushed out! I even lost my timing records for the Singapore Marathon Half that I did... FAK! Don't forget, I didn't sync my PDA since I left for Bangkok! Man, that really.. really sucked.
Some good things, my childhood friend Tan Kay Ti just returned from UK after 7 years of study, and he's just finished his PhD (congrats dawg!). However, the poor bloke is having to face a tough decision on working here or UK, and at the same time dealing with the fact that he's also having trouble with the visa for UK. Well, all the best, dude!
Some not-so-good but partially good things, I don't have a gig for Christmas OR New Years! Money-wise, that sucks. But on the other hand, maybe it's just one of those funny things that my stars arranged for me.. I've been working Christmas and New Years the last three years since I started working in the music business, so it's like a breaktime for me. I can spend those times with my family and friends! I'll be going to Singapore tomorrow for Christmas with my family, which I don't mind at all.
Oh well... anyway, to EVERYONE.. my earthly brothers and sisters... I want to wish y'all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! It's one of the spiritual times of the year, and it's a good time to sit back, and reflect on yourself on the past year, and even the years before, and change thy bad habits and reinforce good ones. Make peace with anyone who you've wrong, and wronged you, as well! I say this even to myself! How can we have peace when we do not have peace in ourselves? So the best way to create peace, is to find it in yourselves, and then try to in others. If one person can do it, imagine the whole world? Think about it...
Happy Holidays!
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Baru balik...
I just got back from Bangkok. It's gonna be a kau kau long story man I tell ya. But to put a long story short... BANGKOK was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful culture, beautiful place, BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, friendly and warm people, beautiful food, bad traffic, beautiful things... aww man... this warrants at least a second round of visit.
Will write about it soon. Gonna be a long blog. See how.
Friday, November 26, 2004
I'm goin' to Bangkok in a while...
Anyway, as I type this, I'm almost done packing my bags. I'm flyin' off to Bangkok at 0750 hrs in awhile, going for the Saxophone Conference. I'll be there for almost a week, from the 26th Nov to 1st Dec evening. Hopefully I'll have a ball of a time there with everything to do with saxophones, jam sessions, performances... and hopefully can get 'lucky' there also lahh.. ahaha.. wah.. me devil... hmmm...
Hopefully I can even do a couple of runs and especially a 10K on a weekend. Thought of joining Bangkok Marathon 10K, but too late to register la. If I register now also have to pay like USD$40 or 50 or something like that man... cannot afford la. Do my own 10K also cukup.
Anyway, I'm not sure if I'll get to blog the next couple of days. If I do, then ok la, although I doubt it. But anyway, when I get back on the 1st, have to faster book ticket to go Singapore on 3rd Dec, man. Damn kau rush. Also, looks like I'll be going to Singapore alone la.. shit. Parents all not free also. Sigh.
Anyways.. i'm off to finish packing. I'll see y'all in a couple of days...
Singapore Marathon: 10 days and counting...
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Yay, managed to do a long run yesterday evening, Monday. Went to my usual Sg. Kantan route in Kajang, and did two rounds of 6.8k. Felt pretty good too, like the run was fairly comfortable, and I didn't feel like I was exerting myself too much. Clocked 1hr 39mins.
Started at 6pm.. and boy, the sky became dark quite quickly. By the time I went the second round of the 6.8km, it was getting dark, man. And the housing area I pass by got very little street lights, and in fact, one stretch of it doesn't even have any. But I am not scared wan.. hahaha... touch wood.
But I enjoyed my run la... will skip Tuesday, and will train on Wednesday and Thursday.
Can't wait for Bangkok for the Sax Conference...
Can't wait for Singapore Marathon either...
Singapore Marathon: 13 days and counting...
Monday, November 22, 2004
What a week that was...
Good points - worked a fair bit last week, playing sub at Senja Restaurant, Hyatt Saujana Subang, and also a very exciting gig at Alexis Bistro, Ampang with Greg Lyons and the Motley Crew during the weekend.
Bad points - I only managed to train once last week... on a Friday, even so, I only ran 6 rounds around KLCC park (that's about 7.8km). Didn't want to run more than that, on that day, because I still had to play at Alexis. Hmm... so much for my training plan. That's me la... cannot follow training plan properly. Either that, I should be a little more realistic with it...hmm...
Anyway, just a little gig report for the Alexis show with Greg Lyons and the Motley Crew:
If you missed it, you definitely missed one of the more stellar jazz line-ups in KL: Greg Lyons on saxophones, Lewis Pragasam on drums, Andy Petersen on bass (!!) ... the high-end pros of kl... (my main piano man) Justin Lim on piano and synths, and Isyam Swardi on guitars.. the high-end up and coming pros of KL. To add some spice, Greg got some extra fellas in his line up to really cook up the music: Myself on alto sax and flute, Low Chee Meng on bass clarinet and baritone sax, Bruce Hern on trumpet and flugelhorn, and Chee Chow Ming on trombones.
Some of the stuff we played are a mix of original compositions from Greg as well as some interesting jazz compositions from John Scofield, Eddie Harris, and then some. Greg's tunes are some of the more challenging ones, as he is fond of writing some really crazy stuff in odd meters. For the non-music initiated, usual meters are the basic 4/4 beat that you hear every day (occasionally a 3/4, or 3-beat like Strauss' Blue Danube Waltz). Odd meters are meters that are none of the above... like a 7/4, or a 5/4 (7-beats and 5-beats respectively). His arrangements of those tunes are really interesting, as some of the tunes change meters in the middle. A bit gila la, you can say. But really kau kau fun, next time, if you have the chance, do not miss Greg's shows, it'll blow your head off! Hahhaa..
Well, I plan to intensify my training this week. Since I had so much rest from last week, I had better step it up a bit this time around. I'll be doing more long runs this week, ranging from 8 - 15 km each run. Not to mention I'll be going to Bangkok this weekend for the Int'l Saxophone Conference, hopefully I'll manage to squeeze in a couple of runs there. Next week will be taper week, so nothing more than 5k a run.
Weather looks nice today...
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Gig update...
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Long run.. Subang and.. THE INCREDIBLES!!!!
Looks like we've got an animation winner on our hands! I just went to watch this movie yesterday (Sunday) at Mid Valley. All I can say is... go watch it... it's probably the best animation movie, or best MOVIE I've seen all year. Whoever wrote this story is just so amazing!
In short, it starts off with the protagonist Mr. Incredible and soon-to-be wife Elastigirl getting married (but not before doing some super-hero duties), and next thing you know, he gets sued for the damages (as a result of his pre-marriage-ceremony super hero duties). The town authorities orders the entire super hero community to stop doing what they do best, and they all ended up living among regular folk, as their secret identities. 15 years later, Mr. Incredible springs back into action as a result of a secret mission, from a very unsuspecting employer. For more details, go watch that movie! I guarantee you will not be disappointed. Anyone going to see it, if you need company, let me know.. cos I don't mind watching it a second time! AHahhaa...
Anyway, I went for my 20k long run from Bukit Aman - Sri Hartamas yesterday morning, as part of my training plan. This will be my longest run in preparation for the Singapore Marathon. Subsequent weeks' long run will be 15k and 10k. I clocked 2 hrs 21 minutes for this long run. Some logs for this run:
1. The last time I did a 20k long training run (one week before Desaru), I couldn't finish my run. My legs and body felt like bricks 3/4 way back to Bkt Aman. But this time around, I could finish my run. Although I didn't run ALL the way (I took several one minute walk breaks, and of course, the pit stop at the Petronas station Sri Hartamas), but I did not experience the "brick legs". I think I can give credit for this to Chi Running, for sure. One of the focuses of doing Chi Running is that your lower leg (from the knee all the way down) must be totally relaxed, and loose. In fact, the main focus is that you do not use the lower leg muscles at all! So most of the muscle used are from the larger muscle groups. How to do that? You pick up your feet when you run (just imagine that you've got imaginary rods on the ankles of your feet, and you'd have to pick up your feet to avoid tripping on the rods). So when you pick up your feet, the larger muscle group used is coming more from your abdominals and quads (read: thighs). So after the run, the only muscle soreness from exercise are mostly centered around my quads.
2. Chocolate milk is awesome for muscle recovery. I got this off a triathlon website recently. Here's the deal: When you exercise, your body is using up glycogen (from carbo) as a source of energy, and of course, protein. But it is also constantly resynthesizes them. So immediately after a workout, you have to refuel your body with carbs and protein. But what food would have both a good balance of carbs and protein for a post-workout recovery: CHOCOLATE MILK! Probably cheaper than a Protein Bar, actually. And it tastes great! Carbs are from the chocolate, and protein from the milk.
Well, 19 days to Singapore Marathon and counting....
Thursday, November 11, 2004
And Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to my Muslim brothers and sisters, too!
Have a good one...
Mana kuih aku ni?
Rain.. rain.. and MORE rain...
.. or at least just come earlier in the day lah.
When I headed out of my house yesterday around 5-something in the evening, it was just nice and sunny! My scheduled training run (as in really, running ah, please!), would've gone just nice. By the time I reached KL area, I saw it... gloomy skies!!! "Argh.. no!" I told myself. At first I was just angry that the town was jammed. But then, the moment I parked at KLCC... IT RAINED! HEAVILY TOO!! ARGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! FAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKK!!!! And it definitely looked that it won't stop for another couple of hours... darn celaka la... just my bad luck.
Having said that, I decided to head to the Fitness First gym at Maxis. All I can say is, when you're an outdoor road runner, the gym just ain't gonna work for you la. Not for me at least. I did the first 20 minutes on it, and I already cannot tahan. Although I actually enjoyed seeing myself run from the glass reflection ("'re so vain" ala Carly Simon), but the feeling of motional-motionless (something I just came up with.. if you get what it means), just ain't cuttin' it for me. Then, like nothing to do, I just went to them body-workout machines and did some pulls and pushes there la. Boring. After a while, I decided to hop back to the treadmill, hoping that I can get some running groove back. This time really teruk.. lepas 5 minute also I boring already. I just gave up. ARGGGHHHHHH.. why must rain so late??!??!?!?!?!
I hate to run in the gym.
Oh yeah, got the latest issue of Runner's World and JazzTimes (with Branford Marsalis, killa sax playa on the cover).
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Francesco Cafiso.. young sax player.. check it out!

Francesco Cafiso.. check this kid out!

Man, check out this kid from Italy, Francesco Cafiso. This kid is just about 10 years younger than me.. and he plays like a monster, man! Sax players, you might want to just... put your horn down and get another job!! I'M SERIOUS!
Check out some of his clips and stuff.. amazing. So much musical maturity for someone so young!
Thursday, November 04, 2004
KLCC 8-lapper
KLCC Park - 8 laps (total time - 1:21:59)
Average pace - 7:48 minute/km
Lap 1 - 9:59 (bad mistake, start too fast)
Lap 2 - 9:45 (yay, negative split)
Lap 3 - 10:30 (see what i mean.. start too fast, now pay la)
Lap 4 - 10:14 (hmm.. at least still got some neg split)
Lap 5 - 10:20
Lap 6 - 10:22 (that's it la..going downhill from here)
Lap 7 - 10:24
Lap 8 - 10:21 (wah, another neg split!)
Some analysis:
1) Chi Running technique is pretty cool. Makes you run faster. But still gotta train to get the body used to it.
2) Halfway, I seemed to lose focus on relaxing my body during the run. Must focus more.
3) I seem to find KLCC park a tad difficult. Somehow it sorta "kills" a bit. Anyone think so?
4) I need a massage. Anyone knows where I can get a good (sports) massage? Message me?
5) I need a nice hot tub soak... but I don't have.. boo hoooo...
Yay... later..
Monday, November 01, 2004
Happy Halllooooweeeeeeennn!!!!!! a.k.a I NEED A GIG!
If there's anything to say, it's this: I need a gig.. I'll say it loud and bold: I NEED A GIG!!!!!!!!!!
Really, man! I haven't had a decent good gig for weeks, now... ever since the Sean Ghazi gig. Well, other than the Backyard Pub gig with Greg's Biophonics, really. Even so, that gig is a "for fun" gig, really.. not much money, but really fun, and it's always enjoyable playing in Greg's ensembles! Ning's gig was probably okay too.. not bad, the pay.. but pretty straightforward la.. like an average day at work kinda thing.
I need a gig!
Well, all I've been really doing the past couple of weeks (other than the holiday trips) is pretty much practicing in my room (yeah, been spending most of my time in the practice room), and also training. However, I couldn't really keep up with the training plan:
1. Rain... bad scheduling.
2. Trying out the Chi Running technique, I can't do speedwork until I've got the technique together. And ease up on the distance, as well. This is due to my body getting used to the different effort. When I first starting trying it out, my heart rate spiked up a lot, about over 5% than my usual. Apparently it's normal, cos the body's just getting used to it.
I need a gig!
Anyhow, practicing in my room just involves me practicing my 3 saxophones, flute, and also some piano (I'm teaching myself to play some piano, with the help of some books). Learning solos, practicing scales.. blah blah blah...
Other than that, I also went to a club called Poppy Garden (located next to Wisma TA at Jln P. Ramlee), where some friends of mine were playing there every night 'cept Sundays. The purpose of going there was to jam with them... out of despair of not being able to have a gig and play as much as I wanted to! But jamming with these guys were pretty fun actually. Check out this up-and-coming guitarist, by the name of Isyam Swardy... killer jazz guitarists.. and also a rocker, too!
I need a gig!
Anyway, today I played with my band again, after a long 2 over months hiatus. It just seems that almost everyone is pretty busy with some other work, and the fact that the band didn't have a gig, meant that we didn't play together. We played at Subang Parade today, and this time around, we played jazzed-up Malay pop tunes and some Raya tunes. Best part: I didn't rehearse the shit at all, and I only got the charts when I arrived there, whereas the rest of the fellas have been playing the charts for the past week or so (they're playing there the last several weeks but with different soloists). So they brief-ed me on the arrangements before we started playing, so I have an idea of the song forms. The rest of it, I had to sight-read them, AND sight-TRANSPOSE them too (to non-music readers, this means the charts are written in concert or piano key, and I have to transpose them on the spot to my saxophone key). Anyway, I think we winged it pretty well, for no rehearsals! One of the best parts of the gig, I think my ideas during my improvisation segments came out pretty okay too, at least 80% of it. It also helped that I was playing with the group of guys I'm so used to playing with, and we sorta understand each other a lot, in terms of how we relate musically when we're playing! Yeah.. it was fun...
I need a gig!
Also, last night I went over to Alexis Bistro, Ampang to meet up with Alonso, and also to see his Latin Quartet play. As it turned out, I ended up playing 3/4's of the second set with him. You see, it was a very small group, with just Alonso on percussions, Eric Li on piano, Wan on bass, and the very HOT singer, Marcela Pinilla! So, for a latin group, it's a very, very small setup, for the latino's liking. So when I got to Alexis, drum extraordinaire John Thomas also came, and Alonso got both of us to jam with him for the second set! The sound of the band became much bigger with just the two of us added in! The songs were pretty okay, and I pretty much winged the whole thing, without rehearsals, too! You see, I actually had my horn with me 'cos I wanted to go to Poppy Garden at Jln P. Ramlee to jam with some friends who were playing there. In the end, I ended up playing the rest of the night with Alonso... which was equally as fun! We played some nice salsa, and latin grooves.. and even Guantanamera as an encore! Man, the joy of playing again.. WITH a real band... not some jazz play-alongs on CD!
I need a gig!
I need a gig!
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Police report..
I went inside the Kajang police station, and there was a desk with three computers and three officers, and one head officer doing some paper work on a desk behind the front desk. So I just went to one of the officer ladies. Told her that I needed to do a police report to be able to re-issue my car road tax. Anyway, when she started asking me questions, her voice and tone was rather stern and sounds as though she was on perpetual PMS-mode! And the other police lady on her left was even worse! After making the report, I went to the "Beli Salinan Repot Polis" counter, which was (wo)manned by another officer lady. Wah liao.. she looked she could kill somebody any time of the day, at the snap of a finger, man!
Like.. what's the deal man? I know these people are fasting this month and all.. but heck, no excuse, man. Even if they weren't fasting, I somehow think they'll be acting like that too. "Service With A Smile" my a$$!!! I know policemen are supposed to project an authoritative presence, but this is a load of hogwash, man. Sigh... I hate government offices sometimes... FAK-ed up... the only government office with the least trouble and excellent service I've been to was the EPF office! They're great... and they do things REALLY, really fast, and they're really polite and helpful. If only the rest of the government departments are like that.. and not acting like Judge Dredd with the "A-YAM-TE-LUR" (I Am The Law.. Stallone style!) kinda attitude. Losers..
Maybe the government should set up a Behavioural Reprogramming Department specifically for these people... oh, wait.. if government, then no difference la.. they'll be like that too. Sigh.. what a world...
I'm raving.. never mind.. ciao...
Monday, October 25, 2004
Anyway, here was what my plan was to get my windscreen stuff in order:
1. Develop photo shots of my car after the screen was broken, photocopy IC and license to claim the insurance cover.
2. Go to the post office to get my road tax done.
So, after getting ready, I left house to go to the photo shop at Metro Plaza shopping complex. Had a Delifrance brunch.. one of them Potato Gratin thingies. Got the photos developed, and photocopied my IC and driving license. I proceeded to the post office to get my road tax done. When I got there, I was told that I have to go directly to JPJ to get it done... shitteee. Never mind, next I went to do the insurance claim, I asked them about the road tax. Apparently, I was told next that I had to do a police report to be issued a new road tax sticker! Ah shit... then, I was also told that I wouldn't have to pay a "lost road tax sticker" fine if I had taken the road tax paper portion from the broken glass. But I didn't take it, and I threw it all away with the glass on the side of the road where my windscreen broke. SHIT!!!! Now I have to do a police report saying that I lost the damn sticker, and I have to pay a rm50 fine! Sigh... by the time I got the insurance claim done, I went home and it was about 4 something in the evening. I then got the call from the insurance people, and they told me that my mum had to sign the claim forms (the car was under her name)... they made a mistake by not checking the car ownership card. That means I have to go to the insurance office again to give the police report and take back the release form to sign, and THEN return it back. Sigh.. only can do it tomorrow morning.
My last words for the day...
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Anyway, I had a Sunday Buddhist class this morning. Had to go early, like checking in at 7am. Wah liao... but I really cannot tahan.. I had to go and run. I haven't ran since... Tuesday? Crap, missed two days of training. So you know what? I woke up at spanking 4am this morning, and went out to do a nice long run... 9 - 10k! Wanted to test out some posture and form concepts from Chi Running, where footwork was concerned. Anyway, I clocked 1 hour 8 minutes.. that was same as da recent Powerman race pace. Maybe I shouldn't have ran that fast? Nah, never mind la.. was pressing for time anyway. Anyway, some analysis of the run:
1. Chi Running concept of picking up your feet as your turnover. Really does take a load off from your lower leg muscles. Add that to the body lean, I think it does make me run a little faster. At least I think it felt like that.
2. Running while pressed for time is always not a good idea, but sometimes you don't have a choice. I think I may have pushed a bit too hard today. I tried running almost all the way, I only took 3 or 4 one minute walk breaks.
3. Trying out the Chi Running foot work, should start off doing less distance, so my quads are a little sore now.
4. Running is good to release pent-up tension, man! And running is a vicious cycle, you run to get rid of adrenaline, but adrenaline comes back and makes you want to run some more. And if you don't run, you get antsy... tension sial...!
5. I can't believe I can wake up that early this morning... and I only had about 2 hours sleep, or half-sleep.. I couldn't really sleep also. Well, when you gotta run... you gotta run... (Jamie, wish I could join you guys at Bkt. Aman, tho!).
6. When designating a day to do a long run, make sure there's nothing else on the day's itinerary... I think I must have slept donkey amount of times in my Buddhist class.. and I'm immune to caffeine... so coffee doesn't do diddly-squat for me..
7. Got chased by a dog also, like Azwar. So instead of running away, I stood my ground and growled back at the mutt.. poor animal got freaked, it braked on it legs, thinking that I might eat him or something.. hahaha... well, the fact that I keep a dog also helped la. Used to be freaked out about dogs.. last time I was cycling down, I kena chase by dog, I fell on gravel, and my left knee had to get god knows how many stitches.
Well, I'm tired as hell, wanna have a nice good sleep... ciao...
Oh yeah, I think I might be going to Boon Foo's to look at some bikes with Greg... yee haa!
Saturday, October 23, 2004
I was in the shower an hour ago, and I was just thinking of some stuff, and for fun and out of frustration, I came up with a theory: Everyone has at least ONE super-DUPER-kau-kau-FAK-ing BAD LUCK day in a year! If not, the BAD LUCK is usually spread it in smaller doses thru-out the year. Same goes for good luck. Well, for me, it happened yesterday!
The day started out alright.. woke up in the morning, went to KLIA to pick my parents, had lunch, came back, relax a bit, and then prepped myself to go to Mid Valley to watch Resident Evil: Apocalypse with my brother. So on my way there, after Taman Connaught, and before the East-West Link toll, my entire windscreen cracked.. with a bursting sound! That itself was a shock.. I stopped on the roadside with hazard lights on. Talk about mega-bad-luck man...
Anyway, I proceeded to try to break off all the glass and dump it on the roadside with the plywood from the spare tire compartment. But instead of going ballistic, I think I remained fairly calm.. even I'm surprised. Usually, I'll be like... (*%Q(*&$*$&Q(#&(#Q&% already. But I didn't.
Then when I almost finished breaking and clearing the glass, and trying to clean out the glass shards in my car, IT STARTED TO RAIN!!!! The rain didn't fall in one hard swoop, but started from gloomy clouds, then drizzle to full fledged rain. Can you believe it?? Mega bad luck. Luckily my brother who was on the way came to help me out. I drove slowly to the nearest petrol station, a Shell station, after the East-West Link toll. My brother brought with him one of those book-wrapping paper.. to tape it to my windscreen. But unfortunately, he only bought one piece, and it wasn't enough. And knowing rain, cellophane tape just wouldn't do to stick the paper... so what happened? Both of us ended up waiting at the Shell station, with hopes that the rain will recede and blow off. So, 3 hours later, it was still raining, albeit lightly. My dad then came to the rescue with a big transparent wrapping paper and paper clips! After clipping the paper on what was my windscreen, we made our way back to Kajang at 45 - 60km an hour.
Sighhh... there goes my movie.. I really, really need to lepas steam.. gonna try to wake up early to do a long run in the morning.
Friday, October 22, 2004
Rain.. rain.. no train...
Need to release tension, that's what running does.. good one I tell ya. Anyway, I managed to get my pianist Justin to go to Poppy Garden at Jln Sultan Ismail with me to jam with some friends who are playing there. Oh, man.. feels good to play with a band again... for my musician friends: Long time never play la... and I mean REALLY play. I miss No Black Tie.. *sob sob*
Hopefully can train a bit today..
Going to watch Resident Evil: Apocalypse later with my bro... reviews when I balik...
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Singapore Marathon (21km) Training Plan
Week 7 (11 - 17 Oct):
14/10 training run - 5 - 6k + 4GP
16/10 6 - 7k
17/10 long run - 10k
Week 6 (18 - 24 Oct):
19/10 3km, 2x(1:00, 1:30, 2:00)AI, 3km
21/10 7km incl 4x1:00 AI + 5 - 6GP
23/10 5km
24/10 long run - 6 - 8k
Week 5:
26/10 5km, 3x(2:00, 2:30) AI, 3km
28/10 7 - 10km incl 4x1:30 AI + 6GP
30/10 5 - 7km
31/10 long run - 12 - 15k
Week 4:
Same as week 5
7/11 Long run - 12 -15k
Week 3:
9/11 5km, AI - 2x2:00, 2x2:30, 1x3:00 + 6GP, 3km
11/11 10k + 4GP
13/11 10k
14/11 Long Run - 21k
Week 2:
16/11 5km, 2x(2:00, 3:00, 4:00) AI, 3km
18/11 10k incl 4x2:00 AI + 6GP
20/11 10k
21/11 Long Run - 15 - 16k
Week 1:
Same as week 2
28/11 Long Run - 10k
Week 0:
30/11 3km, 4x1:00 AI
2/12 3km easy, 4GP
4/12 3km easy
5/12 Singapore Marathon Half!
Aerobic Intervals (AI) - short fairly fast paced running intervals during the run, tempo run speed (about 85%).
Gentle Pickups (GP) - 100 metre intervals, start by picking up the pace, gradually push it to 90% to full and hold it for 10 to 20 meters, then gradually slow down. Walk to full recovery before starting the next one.
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Penang.. with Ning
15 Oct night:
Only started rehearsals at 10pm Malaysian time (which means 11pm lah). Also just found out our flight to Penang via AirAsia is at 7.20am!! Really last minute... after rehearsal, I went back and probably slept at around 2 to 2.30am.
16 Oct... early in the morning (groan!):
Woke up at 5 am to pack my stuff, and left at almost 6 am to the airport. Decided to drive myself to KLIA and just park my car there until Sunday when I get back. Checked in with the rest of the band, and took off around 7.30.. fairly early for an AirAsia flight.. at least compared to the previous flights I took by Air Asia. Especially after the Sabah trip, me and my friends, out of good humor, coined a new tagline for them... "AIR ASIA.. Now everyone can fly... LATE!" (no offense to Air Asia.. but some flights are always late). We reached Penang Int'l Airport at around 8.15am, and we were picked up by the organisers for the show, Nexus Productions. They checked us into Gurney Hotel, and while the other band members went to sleep (they didn't have much sleep the night before, they're Muslim, so they were fasting as well), I went to Coffee Bean just outside of the hotel (it occupies the same building on the ground floor) to have some breakfast. Walked around a bit, went back to the room and napped for about half and hour. Woke up, saw that it was nice and sunny outside, and went for a swim at the pool (that's what I like about Gurney Hotel.. the pool's just good for laps, and they have a wading pool for kids, too!). After my swim, I went back to the room, chatted with the musical director for Ning, Alywin, showered and went out for soundcheck (but not before having my lunch at the Bean). Side note: This is the first time I have so much Coffee Bean food in a week! We finished soundcheck and a bit of a rehearsal for about 2 over hours, and I went for long run around Gurney Drive. I went two rounds both directions (one direction is about 1.5km long), so that amounted to 6km.
After the run, it was back to the hotel room, a nice hot shower, and makan at the Buka Puasa buffet. After some preparations, we headed to the venue, ChillOut.. which is just next to Coffee Bean, which occupies a portion of the hotel building on the ground floor. We did the show, Ning sang some tunes like Sway, Fever, You've Got A Friend, and one of her new tunes from the upcoming album, Breathe Again. Then we stuck around for the party after the we finished the show. We thought it was gonna be a little more happening, with some dancing and some partying. But the guests started leaving! Penang crowd not happening la... and I was really in the mood for dancing! Anyway, I managed to meet Joanna Bessey (who was MC-ing that night). After a chatting a while, myself, my friend Rozhan (who played bass), Ken (MC-ing that night with Joanna) and some of Joanna's friend hit the dance floor and started dancing. After a couple of glasses of wine, I headed out to Coffee Bean for a night cap, and I found I couldn't keep my eyes opened, so I scrapped the idea of going back in, and just hit the sack!
Today, early in the morning (...grooaaannn!!):
Had to wake up at 6am to pack. Flight was at 8.30am. Left hotel with the whole team and Ning at 6.30am. Checked in at 7.15am. Had hot mocha coffee and a blueberry muffin at Coffee Bean (see what I mean?) at the airport. Entered the terminal and waited some more. Boarded and took off at 8.40am. Landed at 9.30am. Left KLIA at 10, send Rozhan back to his house. Had second breakfast at Killiney's Kopitiam with Justin (I just love half-boiled eggs, toast bread, and french toast with butter and pandan kaya). Went back home, bathed, slept a bit....
.. and that was it.
Wow.. what a fun trip.
Oh, by the way, my big toenail on my right foot is starting come off. It all started when I did a long run when I first got my 717s, got hammertoes, black toes, the whole deal. Now it's starting come off.. and I've got a big toenail, not the short types. Bugger... anybody wants pictures? Ahahaha..
Friday, October 15, 2004
Sabah Pics..
Started training again...
This marks sort of a start of my training for Singapore Marathon, of which I'm only doing the 21K. I was officially supposed to start training the last 3 weeks, but I inadvertantly took part in the Desaru race, which sorta breaks my SG-Marathon-being-my-first-21K thunder.. but who's counting? Anyway, that race probably meant more for me, than what would have been my first, come Singapore. I wouldn't know if I would get a medal at all in Singapore. But I did in Desaru.. so YAAYY!! Go babehh..
Eh hemm.. back. Anyway, timing seems to be everything, don't you think? There aren't any races this month due to the fasting month. It's like the perfect time for some of us to concentrate on our training.. mine at least.
So, I managed to crunch in about 6 - 7k in Lake Gardens, albeit slow. I seemed to feel a little lagged this time around, my heart rate is higher, etc. But I suppose I had it coming. I made a mistake of not doing easy jogs/runs after the Desaru and Powerman races. So here's a tip from a lazy fatso: Don't stay around idle after a race... must do some easy jogs, or walk, or swim, or whatever. Don't let your ass stick to your couch!
After that, recuperating a while, I did 4 GPs, or Gentle Pickups. It's a 21K training tip I got from Runners' World. Gentle Pickups are 100 meter runs, where you start off running easy and gradually pick up the pace to an all out pace for 100 meters. Then you walk around or stop until your breathing returns to normal, and do another GP. It's a form of interval training as well, where the main objective is to train your muscles to get used to running faster than it does.
I also tried out one of PowerBar's new Protein Plus bars, Mocha Almond Fudge. It's lighter than the Vanilla Yogurt or the Chocolate flavours.. and easier to chew and eat.
At home, I also tried their new PowerBar Recovery drinks. Orange flavour. I think the Endurance Drinks taste better than the Recovery ones. But then, I'm not too picky about it, so I think it's okay. Not all good things taste good.. don't you think?
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Jairus Anthony Music Fest - 13 Oct 2004
Jairus Anthony Annual Music Fest
For those who didn't know Jairus Anthony, he's most prominently known in KL as the James Taylor of Malaysia. He did the club circuit for quite a while, and he made his name in KL singing James Taylor tunes, with a bit of Jairus edge! He was one of those musicians who believe in real expression in music, and not making music out of monetary interests. He passed away a couple of weeks ago, he was suffering from some rare case of pancreatic cancer. He was supposed to undergo some specific treatment for his type of cancer in the Philippines. Unfortunately he didn't live long enough to go for it. I can't say I personally knew him, I have heard of him, and until we all found out about his cancer diagnosis, I have never met him. I did a show with Greg's band at Actor's Studio as a fund-raising effort for this treatment in the Philippines, and that's when I met him. It was also the first time I've heard him sing, and even though he was not in top form, his singing and his sense of expression touched me. His singing exudes honesty in every inch of his body, and that is the ultimate goal for any musician or artiste!
Anyway, I played in Greg's band, The Biophonics last night at the Backyard Pub, Sri Hartamas, as part of the Jairus Anthony Annual Music Festival. The idea for the musicfest was conceived by Jerry Chong, owner of Backyard Pub & Grill, to keep alive the memory of Jairus and everything he stood for. Although Jairus parlayed his talents for over 20 years in the local pub circuit, he never received the recognition and industry accolades he deserved. It was only after his illness was diagnosed that a charity album entitled "Jairus & Friends" featuring his talent was finally recorded live at the Backyard pub through the kindness of fellow musicians, fans and friends. The musicfest is aimed as a platform for the most talented local musicians to show off their abilities at a single venue every year and attract recording companies. Part of the proceeds from the festival will go towards developing and encouraging young and up-and-coming musicians.
Besides us, the performers for the night included Az Samad, Shelley Leong, and Soft Touch (Peter Hassan Brown and Markiza). It was quite a packed night, and everyone definitely had a good time playing, as well as listening to the band. The music fest takes place every Wednesday beginning Oct 6, and ends on 17 Nov, which happened to be Jairus' birthday.
So, if you're free do go and check it out. Wednesdays at the Backyard Pub.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Sabah trip... 7 Oct to 11 Oct 2004
The trip originally consisted of myself, Devin, Bala, Kantha, and Jeya. But Kantha couldn't get his leave approved, so he couldn't go, even though he paid for the trip. Jeya couldn't go due to work, but he confirmed that he couldn't go much earlier. So it was only me, Devin, and Bala, and Bala's gf, Pu Ei, in Sabah.
7 oct:
Went to klcc to shop for stuff, like Speedos, latest Runner's World and JazzTimes mag. Met Devin for lunch, sent him home. Packed my stuff as expediently as possible. Plan was to take KTM to Bandar Tasik Selatan and take the ERL to KLIA. By the time I reached Devin's, it was too late to take trains. Luckily, Devin's dad managed to arrange for taxi. At the airport, after checking in and stuff, we went to the terminal to board the plane. To our dismay, the plane was delayed for over 2 hours. Instead of taking off at 5:15pm, the plane took off at 7:30pm. Finally we reached KK at about 10:30pm. Bala's gf picked us up from the airport and me and devin checked in to our apartment, Marina Court. After that we went for a late night snack (my dinner actually) at a nice restaurant, that also served some nice North Indian food. Had Aloo Mater (potatoes, peas, and carrots) and Palak Paneer (grinded spinach and cheese) and naan. Went back to our apartment and went back to bed. Oh yeah, my Discman crashed big time on me. Can't even play it no more! Crap..makes me want to consider them digital audio players like the IPod or something.
8 Oct:
Woke up early, 6am, to prep myself for a morning run. Left at 6:30, and ran around KK city. Ran for about 37 minutes. I wanted to buy some roti canai on the way back, but apparently I forgot to bring cash..crap. Ran back to the apartment without food. Then, I went for a swim at the apartment pool for about an hour. Haven't swam in a long time...about over a year I think. Feels good to swim again, although I had better start learning some proper techniques for swimming if I wanted to compete in tri events! Anyway, then me and devin had a mcdonald's breakfast. Walked around Api-api centre and bought some drinks and snacks from 7-Eleven. Later we took a walk around town, from the Filipino market to Centerpoint shopping complex.
The Filipno market had lots of stuff, but it's really divided into three sub-sections. The first section sells fruits (along with young coconuts to drink!), the second section offers handcrafts and souvenirs and the last section is the Ikan Masin section: dried seafood! Wah liao, the smell of dried fish, seacucumbers and various seafood was a little too much for me to handle!
Then we walked along other parts of the city. Most of the shops in KK town are made out of old buildings, and the businesses seemed as though they had been there for ages! We made our way to Centerpoint shopping complex, and met up with our friend Bala. We then went to Tanjung Aru beach. A short stretch of the beachside has a small park, and adjacent to the park is a row of nice eateries and food stalls, from Sugar Bun restaurant, cendol, coconuts, and a foodcourt. We checked out Bukit Padang, which has a nice park (where I would consider going to run), but it was quite a drive unless I had a car to drive at my disposal. Next we took a drive the town of Lintas. The shops there are younger in age compared to old KK. I also spotted two new vegetarian restaurants, in addition to the one I went to from the previous trip, two years ago. Later, we picked up Pu Ei from her workplace and headed back to the apartment. I rested awhile, while Devin took a dip in the pool. After getting ready into our party clothes, the four of us headed to Little Italy for dinner. Little Italy is a nice little restaurant that serves really good italian food, with prices lower than the average italian restaurant in KL! We made our way to a local club called Shenanigans, where most Sabahans and visitors go to, to let their hair down! At about slightly after midnight, we retired from the club. Me and Devin went to a local cybercafe behind the apartment to do some emails. The café still uses Windows 98, and old microprocessors! Intel Celeron, I think, at a slower speed than my previous Celeron computer! Man, it was just too slow for my liking already. After an hour or so, we headed back to the apartment and just hit the sack!
Footnote: missed Malaysian Idol finals...Jac against Dina.
9 Oct:
Woke pretty late today around 10am. Took a swim to get some exercise. We checked out from the apartment in the afternoon. Bala and Pu Ei picked us up and drove to Centerpoint to have lunch (they got a nice, small vegetarian food stall in the food court). I looked around for a Discman to replace my old, konked out one. Found an Aiwa, fairly simple functions, no remote, for rm240 (after some haggling from Pu Ei). Oh well, something to use before I get a digital audio player in the near future!
The four of us headed to the port and took a ferry to Gayana Island, our first island trip for this holiday. The half hour boat ride was a relaxed one. Slow enough to enjoy the sun and sights of the surrounding islands.
The resort at Gayana is a seaside water resort, consisting of 46 wooden chalets, is built on stilts on the outshore of the main island land. I found out that the island was to remain untouched, hence the surrounding sea area remained clear (you could see the waterlife swimming around the resort).
After checking into our really nice chalet, we headed out to an adjacent beachside (a 5 minute boat ride) just across our resort. We fed the fishes with bread; you could see a school of fishes literally rushing all at once to grab a small piece of the bread we were throwing in the water. We rented some snorkels and snorkelled around the surrounding seabed. Due to less than good weather the last couple of weeks, the visibility of the deeper side of the seabed wasn't as good as we would've wanted. We also fed them fishes while snorkelling. I stood in one spot on the seabed and held a piece of bread and just waited for the fishes to grab the bread off my hand! Within minutes you could see a colorful spectrum of fishes of different shapes and size flocking around me and grabbing the bread piece by piece. It was really beautiful. After that I headed to the shore, and me and Devin took a run along the beach area. Unfortunately, the beach area thinned out very quickly and we had to double back and go the other end. At the other end, we turned back and ran again to the opposite end! I think we took only 10 minutes to run. Short, but it kickstarts the juices! After some photo shots, we packed our stuff and headed back to the resort. We met for dinner at the resort's Island Seafood Restaurant. I found out that the restaurant also catered for vegetarians! The waiter gave me several choices: vegetarian salmon, char siu, and chicken! Wow! That's definitely the first for me. I ordered the vege salmon and braised mushroom with brocolli dish (they even used vegetarian oyster sauce to cook!). Amazing. We reconvened at the chalet I was staying in, had some drinks, talked and joked around, etc, and then retired for the day.
10 Oct:
Woke up super early today.. like 6:30am! When I woke up it was so bright already. I couldn't resist it. I took my new Discman, and sat on the balcony overlooking the resort, and listened to Oliver Nelson, while writing this on my PDA.
About 8:30am, we all went for breakfast at the Island Seafood Restaurant for our free breakfast buffet. Not a lot of choice, though... just baked potatoes, baked beans, cereals, bread, and eggs for me. Oh well, got food better than no food. After that, we decided to kayak back to the same beachside where we went snorkelling the night before. Me and Devin on one kayak, Bala and Pu Ei on the other! Not easy trying to kayak with another person. A lot of coordination is needed, trying to paddle the kayak straight also quite a challenge! Did about an hour and a half of snorkelling again.. then we kayaked back to the resort. We checked out, and boat-rode back to KK port.
At the port, we were supposed to take another boat to Manukan Island. But the boatmen needed at least 8 people for us to pay a rm14 per head fo the boatride. Otherwise, it's rm112 for the whole boat. We decided to wait for more people to show up and go in the same boat. So, instead of waiting in the port, we decided to go to the nearest shopping complex for lunch. We got the port people to call us if there are more people who are going to Manukan, so that they can put them in the same boat. We walked to Wisma Merdeka (about 5 - 10 minutes walk) for a late lunch, then headed back to the port to wait. By the time we got there, there was one guy who came on board as well. Instead of waiting some more, we decided to take the boat, with just the five of us... a little more expensive per head, but too lazy to wait. The port was going to close too. Anyway, we took a speedboat to Manukan Island.
Finally reached Manukan Island... the place looked stunning. The chalets also looked very interesting. Some of them are built on the hills, with wooden walkways to connect to each chalet. They put us in one of the hill-built chalets, but the place looked rather old and run-downed. The air-con in our room was rather weak.. it was still hot even though the temp was at 18 degrees Celcius. I think the air-con was spoiled. Anyway, me and Devin decided to take a run along the so-called 1500 metres jogging track. To my surprise, the track, or the trail, rather, is a series of slopes and hills. Me and Devin ran (Devin obviously running way faster than me), while I threaded the hills rather apprehensively, as I didn't know the route. Finally when I reached the end of the 1500 metres, it turned out to be a dead end, on a cliff overlooking the sea.. and the sunset. It was aptly named Sunset Point! After resting a couple of minutes, and talking to the Austrian couple who was there checking out the sunset, we resumed our run back. By that time, it got darker and darker, as there were no lights around that small, narrow, track. I proceeded with caution. At the end of the 1500 metres at the starting line, the sky was virtually dark. When we went back to our chalet, Bala managed to get us moved to another chalet, where the air-con and the rooms are in much better condition. We found out that we moved to a renovated chalet, whereas the previous chalet was set for renovation a little later in the year. After taking a nice shower (the heater didn't work.. but I was hot from the run, so I cold bath was good), we headed to the open air restaurant, and ate an expensive dinner, much to our chagrin. I paid rm7 for a small glass of lime juice... wah liao.. daylight robbery, man. Finally, we all headed back to our chalet, and retired for the night.
11 Oct:
Woke up late this time.. really tired. The chalet was so comfortable that I almost didn't want to wake up. Skipped breakfast (had chips though), and we walked around the beach area. By that time, around 9 something, the place was flooded with tourists! A lot of Taiwanese tourists, and also Westerners. Later we snorkelled around the beachside area... to our disappointment, the waterlife was rather... sparse. The corals were mostly scattered and broken... there wasn't much fish as compared to Gayana Island. Manukan Island didn't turn out as nice as we thought it would be. We weren't that happy with so many people at the island...too crowded. I think Manukan is a more popular place to go to than Gayana due to advertising. But I personally prefer Gayana Island. There wasn't THAT much visitors at one time (there are only 46 chalets there). Anyway, after chilling and getting a bit of a tan, we checked out from our chalet, and took the boat ride to the port. We walked around KK a bit more, and come evening, we went back to Tanjung Aru for dinner.
Finally, we took the flight back home to KLIA, and a taxi back to Kajang.
That's the end of our trip... thanks...
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Yay.. just got back from Sabah!
Took a nice hot shower, and watched pre-recorded Buffy The Vampire Slayer finale.
Reeling from my Sabah trip.. it was quite a beautiful sight... had a good time...
Will write about it when I'm less sleepy...
Back to practicing and working... well, I shouldn't be complaining... my friends have to wake up early in the morning to work, while I don't. Anyway, time to get myself together also...
Anyway, will write about it soon.. I didn't bring my camera, as my parents wanted to use it when they go to China.. but my friends took some pictures, so I'll try to get them as fast as I can, and post them...
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Some Powerman pics...
..oh yeah, can go see some more full ones at my Yahoo! album.

Greg on the way to the transition area after the first 10k

My cyclist Reeta

June on the way to the transition area on the first 10k

My 1st runner Nora (in red cap) and a new friend I met, Mimi

Greg getting his prize (2nd place)

June getting her prize (4th place)

(l-r) June, Greg, and me with our winnings

Me and my medal

Yay! Finisher medal!

My first Powerman medal!

Got my PC back... sluggish...
I'm feeling sluggish the last couple of days after last weekend. Maybe it's because I was in a busy period the last two months (went by really fast, by the way) from performances and gigs, did quite a lot of races since June and suffered some of them too, and maybe even sleeping late...down to my watching Buffy DVDs. This could also be post-gig depression blues... maybe a little bit on post-race blues, or rather post-vacation-cum-race blues.. buggaa.. or all of the above. Didn't even practice at all. I better get myself together by next week. I'm so behind on a lot of things.. practice.. practice.. practice.. and a bit on training also. Oddly enough, there aren't that much races within the next couple of weeks before Singapore Marathon, only about one or two, I think. So I hope that will allow me to concentrate on my training.
Oh yeah, tomorrow, I'm going off to Kota Kinabalu for holidays with some of my Kajang friends. But the trip is already not on the way as planned. There were supposed to be five of us going, but two of us bailed, due to work commitments. So it's only three of us, and one of our friend's girlfriend. Hopefully she's got some pretty friends we can meet over there. Oh yeah, hopefully can find places to run. I've been to KK before, and it seems really, really nice there. So it shouldn't be a problem.
Sighh... I need a life... actually, I just feel like sleeping all day. Shitteee... on the other hand, feel like running also... ARGH!
I want a bike... a nice road race bike... very itchy for one, after seeing those triathletes..
Monday, October 04, 2004
Arrrgghhh... so many down, Teh Tarik Crew, Powerman..
Thursday 30 Sept:
My brother, Gavin's birthday, today. Only plan was to go and teach some students, then if got time, go to KL to do some stuff. When I reached Endah Parade, Sri Petaling to teach, the school called me up and told me that the students are not coming! Usually, I would start cursing, but it turns out to be a blessing. I had the time to go to KL and do some stuff. I wanted to exchange the red Asics pants I got from the Parkson sale. Although it said XL, but it was tight.. like that New Balance pants I got from Albert at the NB store. So I went to Albert's shop first, exchanged the NB pants for another Axel pants. Then I bought some more DVDs (I, Robot... De-Lovely... and Ghost In The Shell 2 for my brother as a small gift). Went to KLCC after that and exchanged the red Asics pants. Oddly enough, when the salesperson got another pair of the same pants, and we compared sizes, the newer pants was bigger. And the sales manager just told me to take the pants in exchange! Such a nice guy. Usually supermart stores like that don't have a policy of exchanging the stuff after you've bought it, y'know? And I guess it was a old-stock item, they probably don't bother that much la, maybe. So that's cool!
Anyway, didn't have time to send the damn PC to the service centre.
Friday 1 Oct:
Ohhhh booyyyy.. I had such trouble getting myself out of bed. I have a rehearsal with the Teh Tarik Crew (TTC) guys (and a real pretty chick by the name of MizzNina!), at 11am. Such a drag.. to drag myself out. Managed to anyway. Luckily, most of us were a bit late, so we managed to grab some breakfast. Anyway, we managed to get all their songs down fairly quickly. They had to leave fairly quickly, as they had to go for a soundcheck (they were opening for Alicia Keys that night). Then me, Justin, and AJ went to Mid Valley to makan and hang around. We all left later, and I went to Armada Hotel for the Powerman Malaysia briefing and dinner. I was quite apprehensive going in there alone (Greg came a little later). Anyway, met up with some familiar people who I met when I volunteered for one their Malakoff Duathlon races sometime last year. It was fun, having food, and chatting with the rest of the athletes and stuff. I was signed up with a Mixed Relay team. I met my 1st runner (Nora), and my cyclist (Rita) in the team. Some insights about Triathlon/Duathlon events as compared to running races later.
Saturday 2 Oct:
Wanted to get up early to do a short, easy run, but couldn't la. Me and my Buffy DVDs! Arrrgghh, I should really stop sleeping so late in the night. Anyway, woke in time enough to go for the soundcheck at BarBlonde for the KLue 4th Anniversary gig - Seven Collar T-Shirt and Teh Tarik Crew album launch. While doing soundcheck, it rained like mad! Nice weather. Managed to go home for a couple of hours before going for the gig. Cool. One mistake though, I should've taken a nap, but NOOOOOOOOOO!!! I had to watch my Buffy DVDs. Bad mistake. Should've slept a little bit, and get as much rest for the Powerman race. Anyway, I left for BarBlonde and reached around 9pm (we were scheduled to start at 9:30pm). Guess what, there was a power failure!! Wah liao... such inpeccable timing to have a power failure. That means the first band, Seven Collar T-Shirt (SCTS) hasn't started performing yet. So we hung around for about 30 minutes to an hour before the power finally came back. SCTS started their set, then us, with TTC. The show was good, to say the least. It was really fun for us, I think it's sorta a first time for us playing with a fairly real hip-hop band. The vibe was really cool, and groovy. A lot of pretty chicks at the venues around there la... from BarBlonde, That Indian Thing, Bar Savanh... the whole row of shops (aptly named Asian Heritage Row). Went to have some tea at the Lotus mamak next to Nikko Hotel (met a couple of cute girls there.. AJ's friends). I left around 2am to go home. Needed to sleep la... I'm thinking to myself.. am I gonna be up for the Powerman race in the morning???
TODAY, or rather yesterday, as I'm typing this, 3rd Oct:
Managed to wake up to my alarm clock at 5:30am. But I had a bit of a tough time pulling myself out of bed. Still feel tired. I had serious doubts about doing the race. Darn, why did I have to sleep so late? Anyway, pulled myself out anyhow, washed up and then packed my stuff for the race. Managed to make some sandwiches for breakfast. I also managed to prepare a bottle of the PowerBar Endurance Drink (which I bought at the Powerman briefing on friday) the previous night and chilled it, too. Good time like no other to try it out. Hopefully my stomach will agree with it. Anyway, after the Desaru episode, I'm determined to not dilute my body of electrolytes and sodium, so I wanted to make sure I take more isotonic drinks with some balance of water.
Started my journey to Putrajaya, Precinct 2. I took the first turnoff to Putrajaya (coming from Kajang), and followed the signs to Precinct 2. Guess what, the main road leading to Precinct 2 was blocked! WTF???? They were organising some event and they closed off the road.. how the heck was I gonna get there?? I was pretty afraid of being late, and then not able to meet up with my team and all. I took a couple of turns here and there, and I managed to find my way to the Ministry of Finance (MOF) building. Met up with my team members, Nora and Rita.
The first group to flag off at 7:30am was the Individual category. The second group was the Men's and Mixed Relay teams at 7:50am, then the Sprint category at 8:10am. Saw off Nora in the Mixed Relay flag off. Then I hung around with Rita and managed to chat with her quite a bit while waiting for Nora to return. Nora eventually returned from the 10K run after ab0ut and hour and 20 minutes, and Rita started off on the bike. Saw some of the other athletes like Greg and his wife, June, coming in from the run, transitioning to the bike, and then off to the 2nd 10K run. Rita came in about 2.5 hours later, and I started out my run at 11:27am. By that time the sun was pretty high and was really sunny and hot already.
I started out the run fairly fast. I was running out of time, as I only had about an hour 10 minutes before the qualifying time was over. Bad mistake. I had a bit of stitches (or maybe stomach cramp?) the first quarter of the way.. bugger. I had to do some walks on and off to cool off the stitches. Anyway, the 10K route was a straight route from the MOF, all the way to the Putrajaya Convention Center where the route doubles back around the PCC, then back to the MOF. So the deceiving part about this route was that you could see the PCC from the MOF. You'd think to yourself, "It's not that far, away?", but once you're on the run, the road seemed to go on forever trying to get the the PCC. Good thing about the route was that it was fairly flat. The only incline area was the overhead bridge prior to the PCC and the round trip around PCC to double back to the MOF. Anyway, I managed to cover half the 10km route at around 35 minutes, which meant I may have a chance to score the 10k in less than 1hr 20 minutes. I picked up the pace slightly, somewhere around 4km to the finish. Stopped to walk for about half a minute a couple of times. There were times I thought I had that tingling feeling (reminiscent of Desaru), and I thought to myself, "Oh boy, not again!". So I walked about half a minute, sipped on the PowerBar Endurance Drink, then proceeded to run again. I picked up the pace a little bit more the last 2km, I was getting really psyched.. the finishing line was getting really near! Stopped once for about half a minute to walk, because I couldn't hold that pace too long. Then I decided to run all the way to the finish line... Rita was waiting for me with another runner whom I had just met as well... the two finishing line ladies holding the finishing line prepared the line for me to cross... I ran as fast as I could... and YESSSS!!! I managed to reach the finishing line, and had time to put a smile on my face (not sure if they took a picture or anything)... stopped my watch, and I clocked 1:08:08! That was about 11 minutes faster than my Adidas KOTR time which was 1:19! Wooo hooo... not bad! Right after that, I guzzed down 3 cans of 100Plus Power.. I didn't want to make the same mistake as Desaru! I assessed my body... no tingling feeling on my face! Didn't feel disoriented. Aahhh.. okay la... I'm gonna be alright! Wooo hoooo!!! Another race finished! I'm happy with my time.
Later on, I met up with Greg and June, and with the other athletes whom I managed to chat up with while waiting. Went to the toilet to change, wash myself up a bit, then joined Greg and June for some food that they were serving. They didn't have much food for vegetarians, so I just gobbled some kuih, fruits and one fried egg. Had more 100 Plus and water too! After the prize giving ceremony, we proceeded to our cars, and managed to take some cool pics of us with our medals and prize. Then we drove all the way to Section 17 PJ to eat at Kanna's Curry House! Long, out of the way... I know, but never mind la. Anything for some good post-race food!
For dinner, I went out with my family to La Bodega, Bangsar. And ordered lots of food to eat.. 2 plates of penne with mushroom cream sauce, vegetarian pie, salad, grilled vege sandwich, 3 types of cheese with baguette, and a plate of tiramisu and choc fudge cake! Had a nice dinner... ahhhhh...
Post-race analysis:
1) Tried out the PowerBar Endurance drink, Orange flavour. Works pretty well for me. Not sure if there's much difference, but as long I'm not fainting out or feeling a great loss of energy, I don't worry so much about it!
2) Should've taken some more lubricant with me, the ChampionChip leg-strip chafes a bit. Luckily it was only 10K.
3) More sunblock, especially if you know you're gonna race in the hot sun most of the way.
4) Should learn to start the pace fairly easily and not start running too fast, even though the body was feeling anxious and want to burn rubber.
5) Sleep early! Buggaaa... musicians..!!!
6) Tried one of their new ProteinBar products, Chocolate Caramel Nut. Easier to eat than the Chocolate Fudge flavour. Less protein content and lighter, but easier to eat.
7) I didn't suffer from the cramp thing like Desaru, so drinking more iso drinks and some water does help!
8) Enjoy the race like always la...
9) Finally, I find that there's much more camaraderie in these events like Powerman and Triathlon events compared to typical road races! With normal road races, unless you know a group of people already, you're most likely less able to make friends easily, because the range of participants are wide, whereas in the multi-event races like the former, you're most likely to see some of the same guys from the previous races. It's more "familial", in a manner of speaking. Once you're in the multi-event races, you're like in a family, automatically! At least I felt it more than in the road races. But of course, as I've said before, I already knew quite a number of people from the road races that I've joined in. So that makes going to them races more fun, than going alone or with only two or three people.
That's it for now. I'll post them pictures once I get my PC back!